What are some good RP ideas? | Julian Caesar Blanco

Julian Caesar Blanco is from California, United States. He is so passionate about past history. Julian had done so many plays that were based on historical movement. One thing that many creators know is that fun to have a character and a different universe to work with, but what's the point if you do not have anything to do with them? Many people turn to roleplay as a fun way to use characters, whether they are native or from a fandom. Should this fun escape for many people, but what happens when you run out of ideas to do? This is a terrible place to be in. So here are some different ideas play a role plots. Guardian Angel Person A has had many near-death experiences in their life. They should be dead but it's as if something is protecting them. Then they meet Person B, their guardian angel. Vampire Prince Person A is a vampire Prince. They ruled the kingdom and sit on thrones, but it all with reluctance. Every year sacrifices were brought from a nearby vi...